Personnel Space



Expected investments

Transport equipment

The acquisition of 29 buses, including 14 bus urban transport normal, 6 buses urban transport double, 6 buses transport between cities, ordinary buses and 3 small-sized well-being
 Renovation of 10 vehicules during the summer of 2010.

Improving Infrastructure
Renovation of electrical installation workshops Zarzouna of the repository : the first part was continued in 2009 and second part is made in july 2010.
Development of the bus station and deposition agency estimator and installation of a gantry automatic washing (continuation project 2008-2010)
Development of the bus station platform Tarek Ibn Zied (rn continuation project 2009/2010).
Two bus shelters and five stakes with a new design
Rocky Point desk in accordance with the label "Marhaba" head office in May 2010

Enhanced security
Installation of a complete chain of roadworthiness of vehicule to the central parc of Ras Jebel (to continue).
 Establishment of a band of braking tests to deposit Mateur.
 Establishment of a support system operations

Improved management practices

Conducting a customer satisfaction survey in May 2010


 Website hosting company in 3 languages (English, French, Arabic).


Obtaining the certificate of the reception system in accordance with the label clinetèle Marhaba in June 2010.


The recasting of the information system and the establishment of a new unified system for all regional transport companies is underway


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